Practices (Furu' al-Deen)

There are 10 Fundamental Practices (Furu' al-Deen) of Islam

The fundamental Practices are mandatory for every Muslim. These are:

1. Salat (Prayer)
2. Sawm (Fasting)
3. Hajj (Pilgrimage)
4. Zakat (Wealth tax)
5. Khums (One-fifth levies)
6. Jihad (Struggle)
7. Amr bil Ma’ruf (Enjoining the good)
8. Nahy ‘an al-Munkar (Forbidding the evil)
9. Tawalla (To love and follow the Prophet and his Holy Progeny)
10. Tabarra (To distance oneself from the enemies Allah swt, the Holy Prophet, the Holy Progeny, and Humanity).